
Got Drought? Here’s How To Keep Your Lawn Alive

29 September 2022
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If you live in one of the parts of the country that are currently being affected by drought, you may be understandably worried about whether your lawn will survive. After all, lawns typically depend on plenty of water to keep them lush, soft, and green. Although they turn brown when dormant, they quickly spring back to life when conditions are right — but there's a limit to how long an average lawn can survive during dormancy. Read More …

Masonry 101 | How To Deal With A Spalling Chimney

14 September 2022
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If you're like most homeowners, you probably do not give much thought to your chimney until you start having problems with it. By then, however, it is often too late. A spalling chimney can be a serious safety hazard. Here's what you need to know. What is a spalling chimney? A spalling chimney is a chimney with masonry that is beginning to break down. The bricks or mortar start to flake off, and the structure itself starts to weaken. Read More …

Reasons Why You Should Opt For Stump Removal Over Stump Grinding After Cutting Down A Tree

23 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Once you cut down a tree in your backyard, the trunk is cut into small logs or hauled away, but the stump and roots remain in the ground. Leaving the stump in the ground not only creates an eyesore in your yard but also poses a safety hazard. Therefore, you should either remove the stump or grind it. Stump grinding only removes the top part of the remaining tree, while stump removal gets rid of the roots as well. Read More …

A Business Owner’s Guide To Commercial Hardscape Landscape Planning And Installation

8 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

One of the best ways for your company to reduce water consumption is to remove the exterior grass and shrubs and replace them with a new hardscape.  Thanks to a wide variety of different hardscaping materials available today, your commercial landscaping will look amazing for many years to come with very little maintenance. In addition, the removal of water-hogging grass and hedges shows customers your business is dedicated to environmental responsibility and sustainability. Read More …

Top Reasons Why You Should Hire An Expert To Trim Your Trees

18 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Healthy trees require proper maintenance and care. You create a lasting impression on your guests and friends when you have a fantastic landscape, and tree trimming is an essential exercise in ensuring you achieve this. Here are the top reasons you should hire an arborist to trim your trees.  Proper Trimming Tree trimming can be a complicated task if you don't have the skills and expertise. Besides that, you might wound your tree by trimming it excessively. Read More …